Committee on American Civics and Education High School Office Conference Room 8:00 AM - 9/28/22 as advertised in the Pilot-Tribune/Enterprise and ROUTINE BUSINESS -Call to …


Committee on American Civics and Education High School Office Conference Room 8:00 AM - 9/28/22 as advertised in the Pilot-Tribune/Enterprise and ROUTINE BUSINESS -Call to Order: Mr. Green called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. -Note Nebraska Open Meetings Laws: Was located in the room. Roll Call: Jon Genoways Present, Josh Christensen Present, Mike Bonacci Present Public Participation: This is the portion of the meeting when visitors to the meeting may speak to any item not on the agenda. Those wishing to speak to agenda items should wait until that item is under consideration by the board. However, the board shall require members of the public desiring to address the board to identify themselves, including an address and the name of any organization represented by such person unless the address requirement is waived to protect the security of the individual. Under the policies of the board, the board will generally allow a total of 30 minutes for the presentation of all public comments. Individuals may speak only one time and must limit comments to no more than 5 minutes. If there are more than 6 individuals who wish to address the board, the 30 minutes will be divided equally between the number of speakers. These time limits may be changed by a majority vote of the board members in attendance to extend the time for a specific item or speaker. Notes: There was no public in attendance REGULAR AGENDA Review statute 79-724. Review Fort Calhoun Community Schools Social Studies Curriculum: Notes: The statute was shared with the committee and examples of our K-8 social students was share with the committee. Textbooks and lesson plans were available for review along with high school lessons that meet the required curriculum for the statute. Policy 5003: Admission of Part Time Students: Notes: The committee had good discussion regarding this policy. What would tuition be? The school would have to follow all our full-time option enrollment policies such as capacity limits. Would students be subjected to state assessments? Does anyone else in the conference or surrounding schools option part time students in? Mr. Green will work to find out the answers. School Bus Purchase: Notes: The committee is in favor of moving ahead with the bidding process. They recommended bidding both gas and diesel. Discuss possible Board Goals: Notes: The committee recommended keeping the current technology goal and adding a second that would reflect finishing the footprint of the track, football field and storage shed. Tour Jr/Sr High School Campus Facilities: Notes: The committee toured the fitness room, track storage shed, wrestling room, maintenance building, bus barn, and PLC. Adjournment: Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:23 a.m. ZNEZ PT 10-4-22