BROMM, LINDAHL, FREEMAN-CADI)Y & LAUSTERER 551 North Linden P. O. Box 277 Wahoo, Nebraska 68066 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given of the organization of Umland Chiropractic, LLC, a …


BROMM, LINDAHL, FREEMAN-CADI)Y & LAUSTERER 551 North Linden P. O. Box 277 Wahoo, Nebraska 68066 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given of the organization of Umland Chiropractic, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company. 1. The name of 'the limited liability company is Umland Chiropractic, LLC. 2. The name and address of the initial designated agent for service of process for the limited liability company is Dr. Ryan M. Umland, 730 N. 18th Ave. Apt.2A, Blair, Nebraska 68008. The address of the initial designated office is 730 N. 18th Ave. Apt. 2A, Blair, Nebraska 68008. 3. The professional service which will be conducted by the Company is that of a Doctor of Chiropractic pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. Emil J. Svec, Organizer ZNEZ ENT 10-27, 11-03, 11-10-23