Board of Education Work Session May 9, 2022 6:30 PM Blair Public Library 2233 Civic Drive, Blair NE 68008 Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State …


Board of Education Work Session May 9, 2022 6:30 PM Blair Public Library 2233 Civic Drive, Blair NE 68008 Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted in this room at a location accessible to members of the public. The meeting notice was published in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune & Enterprise on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. 1. Call to Order Mrs. Kari Loseke, President, called the Board of Education Work Session to order at 6:30pm. 2. Roll Call Present Board Members: Brandi Petersen, Kari Loseke, Steve Callaghan, Denise Cada, Laura Ronning (6:02pm), Deb Parks (6:02pm), Bob Schoby, and Brittney Gunderson. 3. Items for Discussion Mr. Brett Schwartz, OMS Principal, Mr. Ryan Wieczorek, OMS Assistant Principal, Mr. Brett Legrand and Mr. Scott Macholan, OMS teachers, shared a presentation on MTTS, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and PBIS, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and improving student learning. 4. Adjournment The Board of Education Work Session adjourned at 7:06pm. Board of Education Regular Board Meeting May 9, 2022 7:14 PM Blair Public Library 2233 Civic Drive, Blair NE 68008 Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted in this room at a location accessible to members of the public. The meeting notice was published in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune & Enterprise on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. 1. Call to Order Mrs. Kari Loseke, President, called the Board of Education Regular Meeting Session to order at 7:14pm. 2. Roll Call Present Board Members: Brandi Petersen, Kari Loseke, Steve Callaghan, Denise Cada, Laura Ronning, Deb Parks, Bob Schoby, Ginger Fredericksen, and Brittney Gunderson. 3. Approval of Absent Board Member(s) 4. Pledge of Allegiance Dr. Randy Gilson led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Approval of Emergency Additions to the Agenda – None 6. Call for Removal of Consent Agenda Items – None 7. Approval of the Consent Agenda Motion Passed: I move to approve the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Laura Ronning and a second by Steve Callaghan. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 7.1. Waiver of reading minutes from previous meeting. 7.2. Acceptance of minutes of the previous meetings as published. 7.3. Receipt of Communications 7.4. Treasurer’s Report 7.5. Audit of Claims 8. Business 8.1. Items removed from Consent Agenda – None 8.2. Recognitions 8.2.1. Taher, Inc. Becca Stambaugh, Taher’s Food Service Director, along with Taher’s current leadership staff shared a presentation of all they have done for the past three (3) school years. They served the Board of Education dinner form their Taher’s Limited Time Only Recipes they have offered this school year. 8.3. Acceptance of Gifts 8.3.1. Huber Builders FBLA Donation Huber Builders donated $1,350.00 to the Blair FBLA Chapter for the National Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois. Huber Builders awarded $150.00 to each of the nine qualifiers to offset the cost of attending the conference. Motion Passed: I move to accept the donation from Huber Builders in the amount of $1,350 for the Blair FBLA Chapter passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.3.2. Cubby’s Convenience Store – Blair Cubby's has pledged to donate $1.00 to Blair Community Schools for every large pizza Cubby's sells. BCS has received a check from Cubby's in the amount of $1,192. Motion Passed: I move to accept the donation from Cubby's Convenience Store in the amount of $1,192 passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.3.3. Blair FFA Chapter Donation The Washington County Cattlemen's Association has donated $5,000 to the Blair Schools FFA Chapter to help with the State FFA Convention expenses. Motion Passed: I move to accept the donation in the amount of $5,000 from the Washington County Cattlemen's Association to the Blair FFA Chapter to help with the State FFA Convention expenses passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Steve Callaghan. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.3.4. Blair Wrestling Club The Blair Wrestling Club Board of Directors would like to purchase new middle school wresting warmups. The warmups will cost approximately $1,800 - $2,000. Motion Passed: I move to accept the donation for Otte Middle School Wrestling warmups from the Blair Wrestling Club, estimated cost of $1,800 - $2,000 passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Steve Callaghan. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.4.4. Lozier Foundation The Blair Community Schools Foundation is donating $1,686.60 on behalf of the Lozier Foundation for the final invoice related to the industrial technology improvements at Blair High School. Motion Passed: I move to accept the donation in the amount of $1,686.60 from the Blair Community Schools Foundation on behalf of the Lozier Foundation for the final invoice related to the industrial technology improvements at Blair High School passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Bob Schoby. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.4. Consideration of Communications 8.4.1. 2022 FBLA State Leadership Conference A letter has been received from Mrs. Vicki Schrick, FBLA Advisor, regarding FBLA national qualifiers. Mrs. Schrick, along with the assistant Adviser Mrs. Tatum Hartvigsen, is requesting permission to accompany the nine national qualifiers to the FBLA National Conference that will be held in Chicago, Illinois from June 28 through July 3, 2022. Blair would travel with the Nebraska delegation, and Mrs. Schrick is requesting financial assistance for the adviser fees for the trip. The fees requested total $2,184.00. The administration recommends approving this request, and per Board policy 607.05-Student Field Trips, Excursions, and National Conventions, students are responsible for their own expenses with the district funding the sponsor's transportation, lodging, meals, registration fees and other expenses associated with the event. Motion Passed: I move to approve the request for the FBLA National Qualifiers to attend the FBLA National Conference held in Chicago, Illinois from June 28 through July 3, 2022 per procedures as outlined in Board policy passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.5. Comments from The Public - None 8.6. Committee Reports 8.6.1. Policy Committee The Policy Committee met on Monday, April 18, 2022 at 12:00pm. A report of the committee meeting was given by Deb Parks. Motion Passed: I move to approve the purchase of text books recommended by the Social Studies Curriculum Adoption team to support student instruction passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Steve Callaghan. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.6.2. BG&T Committee The BG&T Committee met on Friday, April 29, 2022 at 8:00am. In addition, the committee served on the Academic Ad Hoc Team which met in place of their regular monthly meeting. A report of the team meeting was given by Bob Schoby. Motion Passed: I move to approve the proposal from CMI Control Management for the amount of $82,609.00 for the integration of the control system at Blair High School passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Deb Parks. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke No Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada No Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.6.3. Finance Committee The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 12:00pm. A report of the committee meeting was given by Brandi Petersen. Motion Passed: I move to approve the contract renewal with Taher, Inc., Food Service Management Company for the 2022-23 school year as presented passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Laura Ronning. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Motion Passed: I move to authorize the sale of used Chromebooks to senior students for the amount of $25.00 passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Laura Ronning. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve $92,000.00 for the increase of classified staff total compensation inclusive of wages and benefits, for the 2022-23 school year to be allocated by the Superintendent passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Laura Ronning. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi PetersenYes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve $40,000.00 for the increase of certified administrator total compensation inclusive of wages and benefits, for the 2022-23 school year to be allocated by the Superintendent passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Laura Ronning. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.7. Girls Wrestling The Nebraska Schools Activities Association has added Girls Wrestling as a sanctioned sport. Now, girls can only compete against other girls if their school offers a bonafide girls' wrestling team. Due to this addition, Blair High School would like to offer Girls Wrestling as a sanctioned sport. Due to Girls Wrestling being an emerging sport in the state of Nebraska, we would like to be able to offer one level of Girls Wrestling until numbers are able to support both a Varsity and Junior Varsity program. At this time, in the State of Nebraska there is only one designated class of competition for Girls Wrestling. Every EMC school will offer Girls Wrestling in the 2022-23 school year. Motion Passed: I move to approve the addition of Girls Wrestling as a sanctioned sport at Blair High School passed with a motion by Steve Callaghan and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke No Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen No 8.8. Unified Sports Blair High School would like to add Unified Track for our 2022-23 season. Blair High School has a strong culture of inclusion for students who have intellectual disabilities. The school lacks providing the opportunities for students to participate in athletics. In the past, we had Unified Bowling, but the challenge was traveling to Omaha to practice. Unified Track could take place on our campus and provide opportunities for more students to participate. Motion Passed: I move to approve the addition of Unified Track at Blair High School passed with a motion by Laura Ronning and a second by Bob Schoby. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.9. Approval of New Certified Staff Motion Passed: I move to approve the new certified staff member, Julia Gogliodoro, for the 2022-23 school year passed with a motion by Brittney Gunderson and a second by Ginger Fredericksen. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.10. Acceptance of Resignations Motion Passed: I move to accept the resignation of certified staff members, Jennifer Towle and Tyler Weatherholt, upon the conclusion of the 2021-22 school year passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Steve Callaghan. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes 8.11. Strategic Plans & District Goals 8.12. Superintendent Report 8.13. Informational Items 8.14. Closed Session The Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold closed sessions. Closed sessions may be held when clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Reasons that meet this standard include but are not limited to: (a) strategy sessions with respect to collective bargaining, real estate matters, pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body; (b) discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices; (c) investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct; (d) evaluation of the job performance of a person when necessary to prevent needless injury to the reputation of a person and if such person has not requested a public meeting; and (e) legal advice. Motion Passed: I move to enter into Closed Session at 9:07pm for the protection of public interest on the discussion of a personnel matter to prevent needless injury to the reputation of a person and if such person has not requested a public meeting passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Bob Schoby. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move the Board to come out of Closed Session and reconvene to the regular session at 10:00pm passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Denise Cada. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 8.15. Items From Closed Motion Passed: I move to approve the Superintendent Evaluation completed on May 9, 2022, and for a copy of the approved evaluation to be placed in the superintendent's personnel file passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Denise Cada. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9. Adjournment Motion Passed: I move to adjourn the meeting at 10:07pm passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Laura Ronning. Steve Callaghan Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Denise Cada Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Angie Conety, Secretary Board of Education Randall Gilson, Ed.D., Superintendent GENERAL FUND CLAIMS - 5/9/2022 VENDOR, AMOUNT, DESCRIPTION ABE'S TRASH SERVICE INC, $3,268.10, TRASH SERVICES AJ'S SERVICE AND REPAIR INC, $9,129.11, BUS REPAIRS & INSPECTIONS AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, $1,555.47, AMAZON PURCHASES-LIBRARY BOOKS, CLASSROOM SUPPLIES, TEXTBOOKS/WORKBOOKS AMERICAN BROADBAND, $2,562.10, TELEPHONE, INTERNET, CABLE AMY TESSENDORF, $59.09, EMPLOYEE MILEAGE AWARD EMBLEM MFG CO, $381.39, BAND AWARDS AWARDS UNLIMITED, $340.81, EMPLOYEE YEARS OF SERVICE AWARDS BALLARD & TIGHE PUBLISHERS, $455.80, TITLE III GRANT- BOOKS BLAIR ACE HARDWARE, $115.75, MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES, HOOKS, & CABLE TIES BLISS PROMOTIONS, $894.75, SIXPENCE GRANT- SUPPLIES BOMGAARS, $4.67, GROUNDS SUPPLIES BOYS TOWN, $14,522.64, SPED STUDENT TUITION- MARCH22 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC, $3,891.37, COPIER SERVICES CARQUEST AUTO PARTS, $210.25, BUS & VEHICLE PARTS CDW GOVERNMENT, $91.14, TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES - LAMP CITY OF BLAIR, $3,895.22, UTILITY - WATER/SEWER CITY OF BLAIR, $3,902.21, SRO SERVICES CONTROL SERVICES INC, $2,957.50, HVAC REPAIRS (BHS, AP) CRAIG HOMECARE, $6,184.32, PREK STUDENT NURSE SERVICES (MARCH/APRIL22) CYBRSCHOOL LLC, $900.00, ACELLUS LICENSE DAIKIN APPLIED, $830.00, BOILER REPAIRS (AP) DAN'S HANDYMAN PLUMBING, $525.00, PLUMBING (N,OMS) DEMCO INC, $304.93, LIBRARY SUPPLIES DICK'S ELECTRIC, $420.62, ELECTRICAL REPAIRS (BHS) EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, $106.48, FAX MACHINE SERVICES EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #3, $21,689.51, SPED-SLP,VISION BROOKEVALLEY; HAL TRAINING, AP CHECKS ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO INC, $259.09, LEGAL NOTICES FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES, $559.80, SPED TRAINING LODGING FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #226, $834.37, PLUMBING SUPPLIES FIREGUARD INCORP, $252.25, DF FIRE ALARM REPAIRS FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC., $100.00, SCIENCE CLASSROOM SUPPLIES (BHS) FOLLETT CONTENT SOLUTIONS LLC, $597.38, LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT GOODWILL INDUSTRIES INC, $4,257.00, SPED WORK EXPERIENCE TUITION GRAINGER, $469.10, GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES GRUNWALD MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS & E, $7,940.30, HVAC REPAIRS (BHS,OMS,N,AP) IDEAL PURE WATER, $425.19, PURIFIED WATER INSTRUMENTALIST AWARDS LLC, $30.50, BHS BAND AWARDS J W PEPPER & SON INC., $132.49, VOCAL MUSIC JAMF SOFTWARE, $4,821.00, DISTRICT SOFTWARE JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, $129.40, GROUNDS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS JOSTENS, $29.80, GRADUATION SUPPLIES KIM LEGGOTT, $27.44, EMPLOYEE MILEAGE LEXIA LEARNING SYSTEMS LLC, $2,214.00, TRAINING SOFTWARE LIFETRACK SERVICES INC, $2,755.00, SENIOR EXIT SURVEY 22 LINCOLN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, $375.00, STAFF TRAINING (AP) LISA JENSEN, $861.12, PARENT MILEAGE MADONNA SCHOOL, $2,240.00, SPED STUDENT TUITION MARCIE REED, $114.66, PARENT MILEAGE MAX D DESIGNS, $145.00, SIXPENCE GRANT- SUPPLIES MAXIM HEALTHCARE SERVICES, $5,760.00, SPED STUDENT NURSE SERVICES MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC, $226.99, KITCHEN EXHAUST SYSTEM REPAIRS (AP) METRO COMMUNITY COLLEGE, $684.00, POSTSECONDARY STUDENT TUITION MEYO ENTERPRISES, $1,483.00, BLEACHER REPAIRS (OMS,BHS) MICHIGAN ASSOC INFANT MENTAL HEALTH, $174.00, SIXPENCE GRANT- SUPPLIES NAEA, $235.00, AG ED DUES NASB, $65.00, ADMINSTRATOR TRAINING NCSA, $1,030.00, MEMBERSHIP DUES & NASES CONFERENCE NENCAP, $7,030.45, SIXPENCE SERVICES NOVA FITNESS EQUIPMENT, $215.00, WEIGHT ROOM EQUIPMENT REPAIR OFFICE DEPOT, $1,515.53, CLASSROOM & LIBRARY SUPPLIES OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT, $22,135.07, UTILITY- ELECTRICITY ONESOURCE THE BACKGROUND CK CO, $220.00, BACKGROUND CHECKS OVERDRIVE INC, $1,000.00, LIBRARY EBOOKS (OMS) PAYFLEX SYSTEMS USA INC, $245.10, FLEX PLAN FEE- APRIL22 PERRY GUTHERY HAASE GESSFORD, $630.00, LEGAL SERVICES PEST SOLUTIONS 365, $85.00, BHS PEST CONTROL PLATTEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL, $195.00, CONCERT CHOIR AND BAND PARTICIPATION FEE POUNDS PRINTING INC, $96.00, SIXPENCE BROCHURES PRESTO X, $283.00, PEST CONTROL (N,S,DF,AP,OMS) PRINCE PLUMBING INC, $2,641.80, PLUMBING (DF,AP) PURPLE COMMUNICATIONS INC., $231.16, SPEECH PATH SERVICES QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC, $93.20, POSTAGE QUADIENT INC, $273.93, POSTAGE MACHINE LEASE RALSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, $2,686.94, SPED SPEECH PATH, AUDIO SERVICES & TUITION SARA SKINNER-PETRU, $174.20, EMPLOYEE REIMB- CLASSROOM SUPPLIES SHANNON BREWER, $47.62, EMPLOYEE REIMB- CLASS BOOKS SHRED-IT US JV LLC, $351.34, SHREDDING SERVICES SMITTY'S AUTO SERVICE, $232.59, SUBURBAN REPAIRS SPARTAN STORES LLC, $342.93, FCS & SCIENCE CLASSROOM SUPPLIES STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE, $63.51, CLASSROOM SUPPLIES (OMS) STEVEN LEHR PIANO TUNING & SERVICE, $100.00, PIANO TUNING STRATUS BUILDING SOLUTIONS, $15,590.00, CONTRACTED CUSTODIAL SERVICES- MAY22 SYMMETRY ENERGY SOLUTIONS LLC, $17,049.88, UTILITY- GAS TALBOT LAW OFFICE P.C. LLC, $280.00, LEGAL SERVICES TAMMY HOLCOMB, $159.12, EMPLOYEE MILEAGE THE HOME DEPOT PRO, $5,703.13, CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES THE OMNI GROUP, $21.00, 403B FEES- APRIL 22 UNITE PRIVATE NETWORKS LLC, $835.73, DISTRICT NETWORK SERVICES UNIV OF NEBRASKA - LINCOLN, $236.00, AG ED DUES VERIZON, $19.60, TRANSPORTATION CAMERA SERVICES, WIRELESS PHONES WESTSIDE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, $3,750.00, SPED TUITION 2021-22 WILD ROOTS GREENHOUSE, $2,450.75, AG ED CLASS SUPPLIES Summary, $205,410.69 GENERAL FUND-CHECKS ISSUED TO BE RATIFIED 5/9/2022 VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION VISA, $6,672.13, AMAZON ORDERS, TRAVEL, DUES, TRAINING & INSERVICE, SUPPLIES, LIBRARY BOOKS, MISC, REPAIRS, MEETINGS, EQUIPMENT, TECHNOLOGY NEEDS, CLASSROOM SUPPLIES & MATERIALS, POSTAGE, TRANSPORTATION DEF & FUEL Summary, $6,672.13, GENERAL FUND-APRIL 2022 PAYROLL & BENEFITS TO BE RATIFIED 5/9/2022 GROSS PAYROLL, $1,239,912.77, GROSS SALARY & WAGES NET PAYROLL - DIRECT DEPOSITS, $863,310.02, NET PAY CHECKS- DIRECT DEPOSIT TOTALS NET PAYROLL - MANUAL CHECKS, $0.00, NET PAY CHECKS - MANUAL CHECK TOTALS NEBRASKA REVENUE NEB EPAY., $44,914.64, NE STATE W/H OMNI FINANCIAL1 CORP COLL, $5,871.07, P/R DEDUCTION - 403(B) INVESTMENTS OUTGOING WIRE TO US TREASURY, $290,366.24, FEDERAL W/H, FICA W/H & FICA TAXES RETIREMENT, $227,132.21, RETIREMENT VISION SERVICE PLAN INSURANCE CO, $1,340.46, P/R DEDUCTION - VISION INSURANCE MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., $4,127.39, EMPLOYEE LTD INSURANCE SECTION 125, $8,426.46, P/R DEDUCTION - FLEX PLAN CONTRIBUTIONS BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD, $233,417.15, EMPLOYEE HEALTH & DENTAL INSURANCE CREDIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES, $432.02, P/R DEDUCTION - GARNISHMENT ERIN MCCARTNEY, $185.00, P/R DEDUCTION - GARNISHMENT BOND FUND CLAIMS 5/9/2022 VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION BOK FINANCIAL, $825,237.50, BOND DEBT SERVICE- PRINCIPAL, INTEREST, AGENT FEES Summary, $825,237.50, LUNCH FUND CLAIMS 5/9/2022, VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION RON DYER, $50.00, LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND S & S PUMPING, $18.00, PUMP GREASE TRAP (BHS) THE WALDINGER CORPORATION, $185.26, KITCHEN DRAIN REPAIRS (DF) TAHER, $136,800.66, FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT - MARCH 22 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC, $19,275.79, DISHWASHER REPAIRS (OMS) Summary, $156,329.71, BUILDING FUND CLAIMS 5/9/2022 VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC, $19,100.00, HVAC HEAT PUMP REPLACEMENT (OMS) Summary, $19,100.00, SAVINGS/DEPRECIATION FUND CLAIMS 5/9/2022, VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION LOU'S, $8,029.00, VOLLEYBALL NETS & STANDARDS AMAZON, $248.49, BOOKS AND CURRICULUM TEXTBOOKS (AP,BHS) Summary, $8,277.49 ZNEZ ENT 5-20-22