386 results total, viewing 226 - 250
Ezekiel says that in his vision the heavens were opened and he saw visions of God. He said, “As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around … more
Members of Enterprise Media Group (EMG) staff traveled to Lincoln the weekend of April 15 to attend the Nebraska Press Association (NPA) Convention and see how the company fared in the Better … more
In the local paper last week, pledging his support for the bill to ban abortion in Nebraska, Ben Hansen invoked God and remarked on his “faith -based viewpoint,” specifically his … more
There is a FOR SALE sign in front of Blair Cinema 3. Why should this concern us? Its no secret the theatrical industry has been on life-support since the pandemic closed the economy in 2020. … more
Blair resident Rich Jaworski was honored for his hot air ballooning feats once again on Saturday, where he earned the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. This award is given to pilots who have … more
Beans are the edible, smooth, kidney-shaped seed of any one of a variety of leguminous plants. The plants are widely grown for these seeds, containing much protein and oil, and as a forage and … more
  Ecclesiastes 1:3-4, Isaiah 64:6, Ephesians 2:8-9 Some questions in the bible assume an answer. Some assume a positive answer. “ You really liked that present, didn’t … more
It was a busy and productive last week for the Health and Human Services Committee. As chairman, it was my responsibility to oversee legislation, amendments and conversations revolving around LB 626 … more
There are millions of animal species living on land. They are all unique in some way, but only a few are record setters. The following are a few examples of record setting land animals. Some … more
Last week, we worked towards property tax relief here at the legislature, starting with how we fund our schools. Nebraska is ranked 49th in state aid for school funding because of the formula we … more
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!! I hope your Easter was both meaningful and a joy for you and those close to you. As a pastor, I can say it’s truly a celebration when Easter Sunday … more
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and The Bridge is hosting a few events to show our support for those who have been impacted by sexual assault and remind everyone that … more
We are finally making headway here in Lincoln, slowly but surely. After a passionate debate last week, the majority of senators voted to change the rules of the Legislature to encourage the body … more
The five Washington County volunteer fire departments — Blair, Kennard, Herman, Arlington and Fort Calhoun — are constantly on the move fighting grass and structure fires, assisting … more
The first four children of Leah, born to Jacob, were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. They grew up together. It’s natural for these four to stick together. In Judges 1:3, we see Judah make … more
About 600 miles west of Ecuador, South America, in the Pacific Ocean are a group of small islands called the Galapagos Islands. They came into existence millions of years ago when volcanoes on … more
Candidate Jim Pillen didn't speak to us (the public) before the election, and he still does not speak to us since the election. In the majority of the other statewide races this past November, … more
The donkey (aka burro or ass) is a hoofed mammal in the same family as the horse and zebra. They have long, floppy ears and tend to be stockier than horses or zebras. Donkeys come in a variety … more
Out walking the other day, I saw a fence with a broken panel. It was only two or three boards that had fallen in, but I thought if they have a dog, they won’t for long! And since we do get … more
Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen apparently must consider himself a stealth governor. Since taking office three months ago, he has not provided schedules for his day-to-day activities nor that of … more
This session has been unique in that we are more than 50 days into the 90-day session without a single bill ready for the governor’s signature. When a bill gets voted out of committee, it … more
    a.  We plan activities with our kids to get them outdoors and playing when it is nice. b.  We limit their “screen time” and they are hardly ever home as … more
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