2024 FC Cub Scout Cake Auction held Jan. 21


Fort Calhoun Cub Scout Pack 114 held their annual Cake Auction on Jan. 21.

Eighteen cakes were created by Scouts and their families with the theme of "Take Flight." The cakes were auctioned to families and friends in attendance to raise money for fun Scouting events this spring, including an overnight stay at the Henry Doorly Zoo.

In addition to the auction, cakes competed for awards in three categories — Design, Theme and Workmanship. Those winners were:
Design: first — Noah Grove, second — Collin Sundermeier, third — Stetson Smith
Theme: first — Peyton Noesen, second — Sam Richardson, third — Devin Sundermeier
Workmanship: first — Cole Poorker, second — Owen Brooks, third — Quinn Hardy