Bonial & Associates, P.C. 12400 Olive Blvd Suite 555 St. Louis, MO 63141 Notice of Trustee’s Sale The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on 02/20/2025, at 9:00 a.m. at the front counter of the Law Enforcement Building of the Washington County Courthouse, 1555 Colfax, Blair, NE 68008: LOTS TWENTY-NINE (29) AND THIRTY (30) IN BLOCK 14 IN THE CITY OF BLAIR, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA. [NOW KNOWN AS: LOTS TWENTY-NINE (29) AND THIRTY (30) IN BLOCK 14 AND PART OF VACATED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 17TH STREET AND STATE STREET, IN THE CITY OF BLAIR, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA]. All subject to any and all: (1) real estate taxes, (2) special assessments, (3) easements, covenants, restrictions, ordinances, and resolutions of record which affect the property, and (4) unpaid water bills, (5) prior mortgages and trust deed of record and (6) ground leases of record. The purchaser is responsible for all fees or taxes. This sale is made without any warranties as to title or condition of the property. By: Shawn M. Scharenborg, NSBA #27817 Bonial & Associates, P.C. 12400 Olive Blvd Suite 555 St. Louis, MO 63141 Phone: 314-991-0255 Fax: 972-764-5752 First Publication 01/10/2025 , final 02/07/2025 Published in the Blair Enterprise BPC Filename: BIFKESMS THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ZNEZ ENT 01-10, 01-17, 01-24, 01-31, 02-07-25