Board of Education Regular Board Meeting July 12, 2021 7:00 PM Blair Public Library 2233 Civic Drive, Blair NE 68008 Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska …


Board of Education Regular Board Meeting July 12, 2021 7:00 PM Blair Public Library 2233 Civic Drive, Blair NE 68008 Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is attached to the online agenda for viewing. The online agenda can be viewed by visiting the Blair Community Schools website at The meeting notice was published in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune & Enterprise on Tuesday, July 6, 2021. 1. Call to Order Mrs. Kari Loseke, President, called the Board of Education Regular Meeting Session to order at 7:00pm. 2. Roll Call Present Board Members: Brandi Petersen, Kari Loseke, Steve Callaghan, Denise Cada, Laura Ronning, Deb Parks, Bob Schoby, Ginger Fredericksen, and Brittney Gunderson. 3. Approval of Absent Board Member(s) 4. Pledge of Allegiance Dr. Randy Gilson led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Public Hearing for the 2020-21 Student Fees Schedule The Blair Community Schools Board of Education entered into public hearing for the purpose of public comments on proposed changes to administrative regulation 504.20R1-Student Fees Schedule and 502.20-Student Fees for the 2021-22 school year at 7:02pm. Dr. Gilson gave a brief overview of the new changes to the fee schedule. There were no public comments. The public hearing closed at 7:09pm. 6. Approval of Emergency Additions to the Agenda – None 7. Call for Removal of Consent Agenda Items – None 8. Approval of the Consent Agenda Motion Passed: I move to approve the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Laura Ronning and a second by Steve Callaghan. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 8.1. Waiver of reading minutes from previous meeting. 8.2. Acceptance of minutes of the previous meetings as published. 8.3. Receipt of Communications 8.4. Treasurer’s Report 8.5. Audit of Claims 9. Business 9.1. Items removed from Consent Agenda – None 9.2. Recognitions 9.3. Acceptance of Gifts 9.3.1. Papio-Missouri River National Resources District Outdoor Classroom Grant Todd Wick, Arbor Park Teacher, has been awarded $1,500 from Papio-Missouri River National Resources District Outdoor Classroom Grant. The funds will be utilized for an outdoor classroom. Motion Passed: I move to accept the awarded grant funds from the Papio-Missouri River National Resources District Outdoor Classroom Grant totaling $1,500 passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Laura Ronning. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9.4. Consideration of Communications 9.5. Comments from The Public The Board heard public comments from eleven (11) individuals. 9.6. Committee Reports 9.6.1. Policy Committee The Policy Committee met on Monday, June 30, 2021 at 12:00pm. A report of the committee meeting was given by Deb Parks. Motion Passed: I move to approve first notification of the revisions to Policy 1006.01R1-Community Use of School Facilities passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve second and final notification new policies 1110.00-Bulletin Boards, 1200.00-Anti-Harrassment, 313.20-Internal Controls, 400.30-Employee Antidiscrimination, 400.30A-Notice of Nondiscrimination, 400.30B-Employee Complaint Form - Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation, 400.70-U.S. Department of Labor FMLA Policy, 400.70A-U.S. Department of Labor FMLA Notice of Eligibility and Rights and Responsibilities, 400.70B-U.S. Department of Labor FMLA Designation Notice, 400.70C-U.S. Department of Labor FMLA Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Members Serious Health Conditions, 400.70D-U.S. Department of Labor FMLA Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Families Leave, 400.70E-U.S. Department of Labor FMLA Family Military Leave Certification for Serious Injury of Service Members, 400.25-Professional Boundaries, 500.20-Release Form for Child Age 6 to Not Attend School/Disenroll to Attend Homeschool, 504.10B-Complaint Form - Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation, 660.00-Special Education Policy, and 203.10-Standing Committees on Negotiations passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve second and final notification revisions to policies 540.10A-Equal Opportunity, 611.01-Classroom Environment, 621.20-Assessments - Academic Content Standards, 203.01-Annual Organizational Meeting with Resolution, and 203.06-Standing Committees - Board President passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve the Resolution of the Board of Education of Washington County School District No. 89-0001, a/k/a Blair Community School District regarding the Reduction in the Number of Members of the Board of Education passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve the Blair Community Schools Board of Education to enter into a two (2) year Cooperative Agreement with Fremont, Fremont-Bergan, and Arlington schools to sponsor girls’ and boys’ swimming during the 2021-22 and the 2022-23 school years passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve first revisions to policy 202.03-Board Self-Evaluation passed with a motion by Deb Parks and a second by Steve Callaghan. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9.6.2. BG&T Committee The BG&T Committee met on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 4:30pm. A report of the committee meeting was given by Bob Schoby. Motion Passed: I move to enter into an Agreement between Washington County School District 89-0001, a/k/a Blair Community Schools and Lamp Rynearson, Inc. for engineering services related to the installation of synthetic turf at the Blair High School Playing Field for a lump sum payment in the amount of $69,000 passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Deb Parks. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to enter into an Agreement between Washington County School District 89-0001 a/k/a Blair Community Schools and Jackson, Jackson, & Associates regarding sub-contracted work performed by Big Muddy Workshop and Lamp Rynearson totaling $9,265 passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Steve Callaghan. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to accept the bid from Fairway Oil Company for propane for the 2021-22 school year passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Brittney Gunderson. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to accept the bid from Buller/Mechanical Systems/Fluid Mechanical in the amount of $107,234 for the purchase and installation of two (2) dishwashers for the Blair High School and one (1) dishwasher for Arbor Park Intermediate passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Steve Callaghan. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve Blair Community Schools to conduct a live auction for the sale of excess equipment to be held in conjunction with the Open House for the renovated Industrial Arts Department Shop Area located at Blair High School passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Laura Ronning. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to accept the proposal in the amount of $5,875 for painting around the district passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Steve Callaghan. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9.6.3. Finance Committee The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 12:00pm. A report of the committee meeting was given by Brandi Petersen. Motion Passed: I move to approve the additional cost to quote #AAQ7252 from Matheson Automation in the amount of $7,138 for installation and machine training for a ShopPro Cutting Machine purchased from Matheson Automation passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Laura Ronning. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve the transfer of $30,000 from the General Fund to the Activity Fund to help offset any deficits within the accounts in the Activity Fund passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Ginger Fredericksen. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Fort Calhoun Community Schools and Arlington Public Schools for an Occupational Therapist for the 2021-22 school year as presented passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Ginger Fredericksen. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Motion Passed: I move to approve the Resolution of the Board of Education of Washington County School District No. 89-0001, a/k/a/ Blair Community School regarding the adoption of the 2021 Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update as presented passed with a motion by Brandi Petersen and a second by Ginger Fredericksen. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9.7. Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) Proposed Health Standards and Resolution Motion Passed: I move to direct Dr. Randall Gilson, Superintendent of Schools, to advise the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE), that the Blair Community School Board of Education is opposed to the draft Health Education Standards being presented and to advise them of the Board decision to not support the draft standards passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Steve Callaghan. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson No Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen No Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9.8. 2021-22 Student Fees Motion Passed: I move to approve the Student Fees Schedule for the 2021-22 school year as presented passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Laura Ronning. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9.9. Approval of New Teachers Motion Passed: I move to approve new certified staff, Ashley Bacon, for the 2021-22 school year passed with a motion by Ginger Fredericksen and a second by Deb Parks. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9.10. Acceptance of Resignation Motion Passed: I move to hold a Special Board of Education Meeting on Monday, July 26, 2021 at 7:00pm with agenda and location to follow passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Ginger Fredericksen. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes 9.11. Superintendent Report Dr. Gilson shared a draft of the Blair Schools Reopening Plan for the 2021-22 school year. 10. Adjournment Motion Passed: I move to adjourn the meeting at 9:25pm passed with a motion by Bob Schoby and a second by Ginger Fredericksen. Denise Cada Yes Steve Callaghan Yes Ginger Fredericksen Yes Brittney Gunderson Yes Kari Loseke Yes Deb Parks Yes Brandi Petersen Yes Laura Ronning Yes Bob Schoby Yes Angie Conety, Secretary Board of Education Randall Gilson, Ed.D., Superintendent GENERAL FUND CLAIMS - 7/12/2021 VENDOR, AMOUNT, DESCRIPTION ABE'S TRASH SERVICE INC, $2,391.03, TRASH SERVICES AJ'S SERVICE AND REPAIR INC, $1,487.49, BUS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE AMERICAN BROADBAND CABLE, $1,269.00, TELEPHONE, LONG DISTANCE, INTERNET, & CABLE SERVICES ANGIE CONETY, $66.08, EMPLOYEE MILEAGE- CONFERENCE APPLE INC, $8,290.00, PERKINS GRANT- COMPUTER LAB COMPUTERS BLAIR ACE HARDWARE, $210.06, MAINTENANCE, GROUNDS, CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES BLAIR GARDEN CENTER, $2,763.90, NRD GRANT - TREES/SHRUBS/MULCH BOMGAARS, $92.95, GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES BOYS TOWN, $21,783.96, SPED TUITION- MAY 2021 BRADLEY TONN, $220.00, CONTRACTED ACTIVITY CUSTODIAL HELP BROOKE ROACH, $149.78, EMPLOYEE REIMBURSE- PREK COMPUTER TABLET CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC, $3,294.89, COPIER SERVICES CHRIS SCHULER, $47.68, EMPLOYEE REMBURSE- BRICKS & PAINT SUPPLIES CITY OF BLAIR, $4,233.56, UTILITY - WATER/SEWER CITY OF BLAIR, $4,802.72, SRO COBBLESTONE HOTEL WAYNE, $184.78, TRI STATE CTE CONFERENCE LODGING CONTROL MANAGEMENT INC, $1,402.50, HVAC MAINTENANCE (OMS) CONTROL SERVICES INC, $1,465.00, HVAC MAINTENANCE (DF,BHS) CORNHUSKER INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS, $244.53, BUS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE CUBBYS INC, $466.70, BUS & VEHICLE FUEL DAN ADAMS, $28.13, STUDENT NURSING SERVICES FOR ACTIVITIES DAN'S HANDYMAN PLUMBING, $225.00, PLUMBING REPAIRS DICK'S ELECTRIC, $127.16, ELECTRICAL REPAIRS DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE, $133.00, BAND SUPPLIES DUDE SOLUTIONS INC, $1,885.83, CAPITAL FORECAST SOFTWARE RENEWAL EAKES OFFICE PLUS, $106.48, DISTRICT FAX SERVICES- JULY21 ECHO GROUP INC., $174.12, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #3, $8,737.69, SPED-BROOKE VALLEY, SPEECH PATH, BEHAVIOR COACH, & WORKSHOP ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO INC, $519.75, LEGAL NOTICES FOLLETT, $1,524.56, LIBRARY BOOKS FORT CALHOUN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, $32,599.11, SPED- PIONEER LEARNING CENTER 2ND SEMESTER, OT AGREEMENT GABE ZUREK, $10.00, CONTRACTED ACTIVITY CUSTODIAL HELP GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC, $450.82, PRESS BOX TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM REPAIRS GREENKEEPER CO, $373.50, GROUNDS SUPPLIES HEATHER ENGLISH, $293.57, EMPLOYEE REIMBURSE- GRANT- BUTTERFLY GARDEN SUPPLIES HEINEMANN, $5,395.50, SPED CLASSROOM SUPPLIES IDEAL PURE WATER, $110.74, PURIFIED WATER SUPPLIES J F AHERN CO, $660.00, FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTTIONS JANET BEASLEY, $33.60, EMPLOYEE MILEAGE- CONFERENCE KENDRA POWERS, $63.50, EMPLOYEE REIMBURSE- DMV BUS DRIVER LICENSING KYLE JOHNSON, $88.40, EMPLOYEE RIEMBURSE- NEW TEACHER MEETINGS KYM DYKSTRA, $100.00, CONTRACTED AUDITORIUM TECH LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS, $597.89, CLASSROOM SUPPLIES LANCE ACKER, $90.00, CONTRACTED ACTIVITY CUSTODIAL HELP LEO CLARK, $10.00, CONTRACTED ACTIVITY CUSTODIAL HELP MATHESON TRI-GAS INC, $882.95, WELDING GAS (BHS) MCKINNIS ROOFING INC, $828.44, ROOF REPAIRS (OMS,BHS) MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC, $1,884.00, HVAC MAINTENANCE (DF) MEMORIAL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, $80.00, BUS DRIVER PHYSICALS METAL DOORS & HARDWARE, $735.00, DOOR REPAIRS (BHS) MIDWEST SOUND & LIGHTING, $288.75, PRESS BOX TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM REPAIRS MINDY JORGENSEN, $18.81, EMPLOYEE REIMBURSE- BUS BARN AC PARTS MOSS ENTERPRISES INC, $3,853.72, GRANT- TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES NATHAN LISIECKI, $100.00, CONTRACTED AUDITORIUM TECH NEBR AIR FILTER INC, $408.38, AIR FILTER SUPPLIES NEBRASKA CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC, $388.58, BUS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE OFFICE DEPOT, $198.32, OFFICE SHREDDER & PRINTER SUPPLIES OMAHA PNEUMATIC EQUIPMENT, $224.85, AIR COMPRESSOR REPAIRS (BUS BARN) OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT, $478.15, UTILITY - ELECTRICITY PATRIOT CRANE AND RIGGING LLC, $4,815.00, STORAGE FEE PAYFLEX SYSTEMS USA INC, $238.65, FLEX PLAN FEE- JUNE21 PERRY GUTHERY HAASE GESSFORD, $1,155.00, LEGAL SERVICES PEST SOLUTIONS 365, $85.00, BHS PEST CONTROL PRESTO X CO, $111.00, PEST CONTROL (N,AP) PURPLE COMMUNICATIONS INC., $175.00, SPED PREK- SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES RANDY GILSON, $1,024.40, EMPLOYEE REIMBURSE- ADMIN RETREAT MEETING RIEKES EQUIPMENT CO., $2,392.21, LIFT REPAIRS SCALES SALES & SERIVCE LLC, $180.00, WRESTLING SCALE REPAIRS SHRED-IT US JV LLC, $164.18, SHREDDING SERVICES SPARTAN STORES LLC, $111.14, FAMILY CONSUMER SCIENCE SUPPLIES STRATUS BUILDING SOLUTIONS, $15,590.00, CUSTODIAL CONTRACT SERVICES THE HOME DEPOT PRO, $1,729.42, CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES THE OMNI GROUP, $18.00, 403B FEE- JUNE 2021 UNITE PRIVATE NETWORKS, $2,088.18, DISTRICT NETWORK SERVICES- JULY21 US CELLULAR, $2,461.33, STUDENT WIFI HOTSPOT SERVICES VERIZON, $130.05, DISTRICT WIRELESS TELEPHONE WANDA DOLPHIN, $5.60, EMPLOYEE MILEAGE Summary, $152,049.07 GENERAL FUND-CHECKS ISSUED TO BE RATIFIED 7/12/2021 VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION NCSA, $150.00, PERKINS GRANT-TEACHER NCE CONFERENCE VISA, $2,817.13, AMAZON ORDERS, TRAVEL, DUES, TRAINING & INSERVICE, SUPPLIES, LIBRARY BOOKS, MISC, REPAIRS, MEETINGS, EQUIPMENT, TECHNOLOGY NEEDS, RETIREMENT GIFTS Summary, $2,817.13 GENERAL FUND-JUNE 2021 PAYROLL & BENEFITS TO BE RATIFIED 7/12/2021 GROSS PAYROLL, $1,249,762.20, GROSS SALARY & WAGES NET PAYROLL - DIRECT DEPOSITS, $863,935.35, NET PAY CHECKS- DIRECT DEPOSIT TOTALS NET PAYROLL - MANUAL CHECKS, $4.05, NET PAY CHECKS - MANUAL CHECK TOTALS NEBRASKA REVENUE NEB EPAY., $47,780.36, NE STATE W/H OMNI FINANCIAL1 CORP COLL, $6,729.65, P/R DEDUCTION - 403(B) INVESTMENTS OUTGOING WIRE TO US TREASURY, $298,616.46, FEDERAL W/H, FICA W/H & FICA TAXES RETIREMENT, $221,739.77, RETIREMENT VISION SERVICE PLAN INSURANCE CO, $1,104.82, P/R DEDUCTION - VISION INSURANCE MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., $4,762.31, EMPLOYEE LTD INSURANCE SECTION 125, $9,347.93, P/R DEDUCTION - FLEX PLAN CONTRIBUTIONS BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD, $222,300.84, EMPLOYEE HEALTH & DENTAL INSURANCE CREDIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES, $346.11, P/R DEDUCTION - GARNISHMENT COMBINED HEALTH AGENCIES DRIVE INC., $10.00, P/R DEDUCTION - GARNISHMENT BUILDING FUND-CHECKS ISSUED TO BE RATIFIED 7/12/2021 VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION D R ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION, $143,853.60, BHS INDUSTRIAL ARTS RENOVATION Summary, $143,853.60 LUNCH FUND CLAIMS 7/12/2021 VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION S & S PUMPING SERVICE, $250.00, PUMP GREASE TRAP (BHS) O'FLAHERTY SERVICES, $518.38, ICE MAKER REPAIRS (AP) THE WALDINGER CORPORATION, $1,020.86, WALK IN FREEZER REPAIRS (OMS) Summary, $1,789.24 BUILDING FUND CLAIMS 7/12/2021 VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, $16,450.00, REPLACE HEAT PUMPS (OMS) FLOORS INC, $14,617.00, OFFICE CARPET REPLACEMENT (OMS) JACKSON JACKSON & ASSOCIATES INC, $3,042.50, INDUSTRIAL ARTS LAB, CONCESSIONS, PRESSBOX RENOVATIONS Summary, $34,109.50 SAVINGS/DEPRECIATION FUND CLAIMS 7/12/2021 VENDOR, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION NOTABLE (AKA KAMI), $891.00, SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM ONLINE LICENSE (OMS,BHS) Summary, $891.00 ZNEZ ENT 7-23-21